Landing Gear
The landing gear is the only aircraft system without built-in redundancy – you need to rely 100 percent on its proper function. Our experience from millions of take-offs and landings has gone into a unique service portfolio. A very precise industrialized overhaul process, based on extensive in-house capabilities, is the substantial lever that keeps our customers' vital undercarriages on a solid footing.
Our newly renovated Landing Gear workshop provides high quality and reliable solutions to your Landing Gear Overhaul and Repair requirements. BM Aero has an extensive pool of exchange and loaner gears and parts available which limits the customers’ aircraft down time.
Landing Gear
The landing gear is the only aircraft system without built-in redundancy – you need to rely 100 percent on its proper function. Our experience from millions of take-offs and landings has gone into a unique service portfolio. A very precise industrialized overhaul process, based on extensive in-house capabilities, is the substantial lever that keeps our customers' vital undercarriages on a solid footing.
Our newly renovated Landing Gear workshop provides high quality and reliable solutions to your Landing Gear Overhaul and Repair requirements. BM Aero has an extensive pool of exchange and loaner gears and parts available which limits the customers’ aircraft down time.